Numbers are often used to designate the degree of the scale in the repeating pattern. This is arguably the most important scale you can learn. Remember, 1, the first note of the scale, is the root note, so if you started the scale at the 3rd fret on the low E string, the 1st note would be G so it would be the G major scale.The root note defines the key in which we play the scale, in other words. So a flat third would be an F. To play the major scale in the fourth position properly, you begin the pattern above using your second finger. Pattern begins eleven frets up from the root on the sixth string. Start by playing the fifth fret of the sixth string (the note "A"). You can also play the scale on a string. I think this is one of the best ways to learn the step-pattern. The degrees are given in numbers or roman numerals (as shown). To make sure you know how to form the scale, I provided a step-by-step. At the end, play the next octave on a single string until you run out of room. This is the first site that has really analysed this theory for me.. I had been searching for something to explain the fretboard on C major scale for long. The patterns that use the pinky finger use the same finger. Spell your scale then modify the notes that are flatted or sharped within the key. I am familiar with the major scale through rote memorization. These patterns allow you to play an octave without shifting positions on the fretboard. An easy way to explore the major modes is by viewing them as a selection of white notes that start on a different note to the C major scale we’d … The first four figures show the same pattern with dots, notes, degrees, and fingerings. Learn it in pieces. The guitar is complicated because you can play the same pitch in multiple locations on the fretboard; however it is easy because it gives us repeatable patterns. Thank you for an excellent web resource. Stay in position while playing this scale pattern. Learn them from the root notes of the chords that you know. You hear this sound all the time in just about every style of music – rock, blues, country, jazz, you name it… Here’s a video taking you through some major pentatonic essentials, and I … I appreciate how clearly the information is laid out in this article thank you for putting it together. 6-4 means that you should start with your pinky finger instead. Learn the single-octave patterns first. This pattern begins on the third note of the major scale. Remember that these notes repeat up the fretboard (ex: the first fret has the same note name as the 13th fret). Learning this scale well will be crucial for your development as a guitarist. In relation to the piano, this scale is played on white keys only, which makes the scale visually more approachable. Play a chord then play the box pattern associated with that chord form. Shift the box on the string before or after the root note. To review, you can get the I chord by starting with the first note of the scale, G, and adding B and D (Example 2a). The modes of the Eb major scale, for example, all have 3 flats, but on different places in the scale. For example, the key of C (major) corresponds to the C Major Scale. The problem is that this is not a major scale. The key is also appropriate for guitar music, with drop D tuning making two D's available as open strings. In major keys, major chords are found on the I, IV and V (1st, 4th and 5th) degrees of the scale. Similarly, you can form a D minor chord, by playing D-F-A. The degrees of the scale (roman numerals) are used to specify chord progressions. What follows are diagrams and explanations of how to play a major scale in every position on the neck of the guitar. AP-013 What are your Favorite Exotic Chords? The D chord is the ii chord. You can hear this in the video when I play this G major pentatonic scale and the major G chord together, it sounds great. I often recommend playing a Major chord before playing this scale. Pattern begins four frets up from the root on the sixth string. There are three ways to learn scales on the guitar: Notes, Intervals, and Patterns. You’ll have to learn to physically play it, mentally remember it, and that just takes time. Many thanks. Well constructed article and explained nicely one could understand. Major scale in first position. Play the scale in the same position, stretching with your fourth (pinky) finger when necessary. This will help you improve your speed. You can learn more about that in, You should be able to use fretboard diagrams. Now you have F-G-A-Bb-C-D-E, the F Major Scale. I am glad that I could help! Generates scale fingering charts and tablature for guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, or any stringed, fretted instrument. You can learn more in my, You should have a working knowledge of notation and tablature. Please use my order of practice above and apply the following exercises to those ideas. Let the power of scales be with you! The root of the scale is marked in red. Just as the C major scale has 7 notes, there are 7 guitar chords or triads in the C major scale. Try connecting the patterns with the same pattern an octave higher. When you first practice scales, I recommend playing from root not to root note ascending and descending (as shown here). Form box patterns by linking the single octave patterns: 6-2 & 4-4, 6-4 & 3-1. Unlike some other scales, the C Major scale has no sharps or flats. Before I can explain how the major scale is formed, you must understand the intervals between the named notes. When indicating a major key, you can omit the word major. The pattern for the sixth position of the major scale starts with your first finger. E blues scale. Learn how to play guitar with the best free online guitar lessons available. Say the notes as you play them. Major scale in sixth position. Remember to say the notes as you play them. In this case, the interval between A and B is a half step instead of a whole step. The G major scale is a great scale for beginners to explore on the guitar for two important reasons. FretMap's interactive fretboard shows you what notes to … Some guitarists like to start with a 6-4 pattern and shift to a 6-2 pattern by playing 4 notes on the 5th string (with a hand shift). If you are unfamiliar with the basics of major scales, be sure to read the posts what is a major scale and major scale positions on the fretboard. You can learn more about them in my. Then, on the fifth string, you'd begin with your first finger. I want to help you become a better guitarist. Scales are always spelled in alphabetic note order. Thanks alot.. AP-010 How do I select scales for guitar solos? Pattern begins nine frets up from the root on the sixth string. Similarly, start on the fourth note of the scale (C) for the IV chord (Example 2b) and the fifth note (D) for the V7 chord (Example 2c). These are the three ways you must know to play the diatonic major scale bass. Another way to form the scale is to learn/memorize the number of sharps and flats in the key. In this bass lesson for beginners we are going to learn how to play the major scale on bass guitar.. Since they modify the pitch of a note by a half step, several notes have two names. The root of the scale is marked in red. Pattern begins seven frets up from the root on the sixth string. It is typically played with both hands by strumming or plucking the strings with either a guitar pick or the fingers/fingernails of one hand, while simultaneously fretting (pressing the strings against the frets) with the fingers of the other hand. Also, notice that lower-case numerals indicate minor chords. First, the G major scale is present in some of the most popular songs, so understanding this scale will help you dive deeper into your musical journey, whether you want to learn to play those songs or write music of your own. It is important that you hear the sound of the scale. You already learned the major scale in two ways, by notes and intervals. You’ll notice that the patterns overlap so you can connect them all. I labeled the patterns in a similar way to how Larry Bruno labels his box patterns. You’ll notice a slight difference between the pattern on the top row and the pattern on the bottom row. It helps you hear the scale. What follows are diagrams and explanations of how to play a major scale in every position on the neck of the guitar. It takes five notes to be a pentatonic scale, and it takes five chord shapes and a capo to understand the song … Scales you can use in the real world, created by a human guitarist. Learn how to play the D major scale on guitar: this tutorial will show you the most common patterns used to play this scale. You'll learn also the notes and the structure of this scale, plus some tips on the best way to play scales on the fretboard. The very first guitar scale we recommend you learn is the minor pentatonic. In the key of F, your root is F. Follow the interval formula for a major scale (W-W-H-W-W-W-H). This tutorial will show you the most common patterns used to play the D major scale. Amazing lessons! Now, try playing the third fret on the sixth string of the guitar (the note G) with your first finger. There is also a Major Blues Scale (See Modes of the Minor Blues Scale Below), and both are commonly used by guitar players in several different musical genres. Begin this pattern using your second (middle) finger. Major scale in fourth position. A scale is simply a set of notes arranged in order of pitch. Simply move the pattern so the root note (black dot) is on the proper fret. Sing them if you can. The 6-2 Box Pattern (below) is a combination of the 6-2 single-octave pattern and the 4-4 single-octave pattern. Later, I will show you the rules that govern which one to use. This scale is perhaps less familiar to most guitarists than the minor pentatonic, but it is equally useful. You will need to understand the difference between a whole step (tone) and a half step (semitone). Use the major scale on a single string to connect them. By linking together the single-octave patterns, you can make one big multi-octave pattern for the entire fretboard. So clear and well-structured. Your email address will not be published. Learning the major scale is a big deal. Play the pattern below, then repeat it from frets 13 to the end of your fretboard if you have access to them. The root of the scale is marked in red. This article is incredibly helpful. Next, slide that finger up to the fifth fret, and play the pattern shown here. The D Major Scale for Guitar. In the introductory Major Scale lesson, we learned the basic intervals that build the scale and some basic patterns on the guitar fretboard.These patterns are fine for getting to know the scale, but eventually you'll want to free up your soloing and play the Major Scale across the entire fretboard.. Chord notes and structure: C E G (R 3 5). Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you found the 6-2 pattern helpful. When learning guitar scales, it's very important to start slowly and accurately, then build up speed gradually. Major scale in fifth position. This is an A major scale pattern. This is actually much easier to hear than it is to explain. Play the scale forwards and backwards, staying in position throughout, using your fourth (pinky) finger to stretch. ... C major scale. It is important that you never use the same letter twice. Start with the root note for the key you are using. You can use this knowledge to find the chord tones within the scale. Chord tones are often used as an improvisational technique. The notes of a chord can be derived from the major scale. Very helpful. Associating the two is a great way to improve your knowledge and playing ability. If you have questions or feedback, please contact me. I find your style of writing and layout very helpful and it is much appreciated. It is assumed. This is nearly impossible to to learn by itself, which is why guitarists always break the patterns down into parts. Exercise 2: For every key, play the major scale on each individual string. Learn how to play, form, and use the major scale effectively. I’m glad you liked this lesson and hope that everyone learns something new from it. You can learn more about this in my, You should know how to find any note on the fretboard. When descending the scale, stay in this new position for the first and second strings. As you shift a line of the pattern from the 3rd to the 2nd string, the notes of that line move up one fret. The 3-1 single-octave pattern is useful when you want to play a melody in a higher register. Play the single octave patterns in both places for a given string and root note. Learn how to play the major scale on the guitar. This is the hardest part about learning to use the major blues scale. The C Major Scale has a number of chords that are associated with this particular scale. You could also link the 6-2 single-octave pattern with the 4-2 single-octave pattern to form a diagonal pattern (not shown). This time, however, you played the major scale two frets up, using a different scale pattern. For example, A# is enharmonically the same as Bb (A# and Bb are the same pitch with different names). For example, you can form a C Major chord by playing C-E-G. Pattern begins five frets up from the root on the sixth string. Thank you! The major scale is the foundation for all of your other scales. All Rights Reserved. Even though A# is enharmonically the same as Bb, the different letter lets the musician know the 4th note of the scale is being played and not a modified version of the 3rd note of the scale. This is the "do re mi fa sol la ti do" scale you probably learned in school. The root of the scale is marked in red. ... G major scale harmonized triads G Am Bm C D Em Gbdim F major scale harmonized triads F Gm Am Bb C Dm Edim A natural minor scale harmonized triads So the F Major scale would be spelled as F-G-A-B-C-D-E. In the key of D major, the 5th scale degree is A. Play a single octave pattern. You will need to know a few things before continuing. Say the notes as you play them. The root of the scale is marked in red. Note: The major pentatonic scale uses the exact same pattern as the minor pentatonic scale, it simply starts on the second note of the pattern. Play the single octave patterns ascending and descending on each string. Lazy guitar students will always stop learning barre cords, when they master the E and A shapes of the decending pentatonic scale: C-A-G-E-D (-C). In theory, you could learn 3 patterns and cover the entire fretboard. The C chord is the I chord. Learning the major pentatonic scale is easy once you've learned the minor pentatonic scale - the two scales share all the same notes! For example, the G produced by playing the open G string can also be played at the 5th fret of the D string. In the key of D major, F# is the third scale degree. Therefore, we need to flat the B to make it a half step. Form diagonal patterns by playing 6-2 and 4-2, 5-2 and 3-1. You can find your single-octave patterns within the box patterns. a G, C and D major blues scale for each of the three chords in the tune (G7-C7-D7). Play the pattern for the seventh position of the major scale forwards and backwards, keeping your hand in the same position throughout. There isn’t a way as simple to remember for the major pentatonic scale as there is with the minor, so we can go straight into learning the five notes you’ll need to have a comfortable grasp over to create the pentatonic scale on C: C, D, E, G, A. Next, you’ll want to explore the box patterns. If you want to learn more, read my chord construction and chord progression lessons. The first position of the major scale, seen above, is the "standard" way of playing the major scale, which most guitarists know. There are whole steps between A-B, C-D, D-E, F-G, G-A and half steps between B-C, E-F. Accidentals allow for more flexibility with these notes. Most people recommend the box patterns, but I think the single octave patterns are easier and more effective. Learn how to play the major scale along a single string. The root of the scale is marked in red. In music theory, the major scale or Ionian scale is one of the diatonic scales.It is made up of seven separate notes, plus an eighth which is the same as the first an octave higher. Let’s start with the G major scale, which is shown in Example 1. You will want to spend a lot of time on the major scale. The fingerings of the major blues scale resemble fingerings that you may already know for the minor blues scale but starting on different notes. Play all 5 box patterns in two locations. It is actually the Lydian Mode. Try this with other patterns. Single-octave patterns are the simplest patterns to learn. By Interval: W-W-H-W-W-W-H  (The Major Scale Formula). Each pattern contains the notes of a CAGED chord form. You'll learn also the notes and the structure of this scale, plus some tips on the best way to play major scales on the fretboard. A half step up from E is F. E to F is naturally a half step. I provide all five because some are easier to play than others. Begin the scale with your second finger, and do not adjust your hand position while playing the scale. I use two numbers, the first is the string number of the lowest root note. Here, we’ll get into some basic music theory to introduce you to the C major scale guitar chords. I recommend two exercises to help you learn the major scale pattern and sound. A half step up from A is Bb. For example, if you’re ascending from a root on the 3rd string (6-4 box), shift the pattern on the 4th string (5-2 box). If, for example, you're soloing in the key of C major, and you only feel comfortable playing in the few frets surrounding the eighth fret, then you're limiting yourself unnecessarily. (more on keys in Foundation 3). This section will explore the third, which is probably the most fun. Thank you for the kind words! If you are interested in learning about modes and guitar scales , it should be pointed out that the G major scale is effectively the same scale as the G ionian scale. The parent scale of the modes on this page is the C major scale (without sharps and flats), but you can get the modes in any key. Thank you for the kind words. Now you have F-G-A-Bb-C-D-E, the F Major Scale. AP-012 What are the biggest chord mistakes for beginner guitar players? Thank you for the insight. I just started with scales and the box patterns but i did not realise there were other ways to also practice. For example, play a C Major chord then play a C Major scale. It is actually the Lydian Mode. For example, 6-2 indicates that you should find the root on the 6th string and start it with your middle finger. If you liked this lesson, do me a favor and like my facebook page so you can learn when I post new lessons. They are named by the first note of the sequence. That way,  you’ll know a pattern for chords rooted on the 5th and 6th string. Practice ascending and descending. Dan Cross is a professional guitarist and former private instructor who has experience teaching and playing various styles of music. For both beginner guitar and advanced, our 11,000 video lessons will have you playing easy guitar songs in no time! You will notice that I have included a chord form name. Pay attention to the sound and the steps. Most notes on the guitar can be played in at least two places on the fretboard. Can you see the chords that you already know? I’m glad you enjoyed the article. The C Major scale is a good place to start when you are learning to play guitar. Your search for the best backing tracks ends here. C major on the guitar is not always the first scale we learn, some often learn G or D. G Major Scale Guitar: Introduction. The first position of the major scale, seen above, is the "standard" way of playing the major scale, which most guitarists know. If you’re descending from 5-2, shift the pattern on the 2nd string (6-4). You should learn that major scale pattern above to start with and learn the visual (and auditory) relationships between its intervals. This scale pattern is actually no different from the third position pattern we just covered - your hand position remains identical. Mastering your guitar chords, scales and arpeggios allows for more enjoyable, fluid, better playing for yourself and is the key to playing along with others. Scales can ascend in pitch or descend in pitch. You have to check this out...and it's free - #1 Way To Improve Your Playing - Top 10 Backing Tracks 2021- Home Therefore, we need to flat the B to make it a half step. Ex: 6-2 Box rooted on the 5th and 17th fret. The seventh position of the major scale is actually the same hand position as the root position - the difference being you begin playing the pattern with your first finger, instead of your second. The second position of the major scale begins it's pattern on the second note of the scale. This section will teach you several major scale patterns. These three chords form the basis of a huge number of popular songs. I’m glad you like it. The major scale is an important scale. In your evolution as a lead guitarist, it becomes more and more important to learn to solo in more than one position. Major scale in seventh position. Practice alternate picking while playing the patterns. Exercise 1: Write the notes of all the major scales. Major scale in third position. When you return to the fifth fret on the sixth string, slide your finger down again to play the note on the third fret. This is useful because you will sometimes want to move up or down the neck with a scale and this exercise helps you learn one way to do that. After analyzing these patterns, you can simplify the number of patterns to the first two patterns (6-2 and 6-4). You can play the C Major Scale below in open position. I want to show you how to form an F Major scale because it uses an accidental. Eb major is Eb F G Ab Bb C D. Each major scale is related to a major key. After you’re playing single-octave patterns,  you’ll want to extend them. In the fifth position, you will need to shift your hand position up a fret on the second string. The notation below shows how you can play the single-octave pattern. This rule applies to all patterns in standard tuning. You just played a G major scale, which you'd normally play using the pattern outlined on the previous page. The guitar is a fretted musical instrument that usually has six strings. Learn guitar chords, how to change chords quickly, and guitar exercises perfect for both electric and acoustic guitar. A mode is a type of scale or tonality built on something aside from the typical major and minor scales and keys we are used to. So, if you were playing a G major scale - traditionally played starting on the third fret of the sixth string - you'd begin this pattern at the seventh fret at the note B. The second is the finger that should play that root note. This convention is helpful when musicians communicate. Additionally, you can alternate them to obtain box patterns. Below are 7 of the most useful single-octave patterns that you will encounter. In D major, that means D, G and A. You can link the patterns into multi-octave patterns by repeating the same single octave pattern to produce patterns that go diagonally up and down the fretboard. In solfege these notes correspond to the syllables "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti/Si, Do". A ii-V-I means you would play a D minor, G Major, C Major in order. This simplifies your effort in finding the scale. Start at a degree and play every other note. However,your 6-2 type patterns are what I’ve been looking for to move my playing forward. This lesson is about "unboxing" the Major Scale by visualising seven positions. The flat 5th is Ab. Copyright © 2020 Patrick MacFarlane. If it looks unfamiliar to you, play through it. As with many things in guitar playing, there are several different ways of playing a G major scale on guitar. This is called the root note. C major is the simplest as it contains no sharps or flats. In this case it is a flat. This is the concept we'll apply in the following steps to the rest of the positions of the major scale. 9 chord voicings, charts and sounds. Scale lessons. The C Major scale in the open position looks like this: C Major Scale CAGED Positions. 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